Delta 8 Edibles You Should Try Out | Shop Bulk Delta-8 THC, Bulk HHC and other hemp products online

The best-known chemical in the Cannabis sativa plant is THC. Its fame is mainly due to the popularity of marijuana, whose recognizable component is delta-9 THC and is solely responsible for its psychoactivity. 

Delta-8 THC – a twin of delta-9 THC – can be described as a hyper-bridge between three essential components of cannabis: CBD, delta-8 THC, and delta-9 THC. Delta-8 appears to provide several (health) benefits of CBD and deliver the “mellow” psychoactivity of delta-9 THC, mitigating the psychedelic effects. Delta-8 gets you high but not over the top.

Currently, cannabis-infused products come in various forms, from vapes and tinctures to edibles like delta-8 THC gummies. Most of these products mainly contain CBD and delta-9 THC. But recently, delta-8 THC has been attracting considerable attention in the industrial cannabis markets due to its unique properties mentioned above.

Since it has only been on the market for a short time, we don’t know enough about delta-8 THC yet, but we can’t question the importance of predicting what it is and how it’ll affect us. Many consume delta-8 THC products without knowing their properties or short- and long-term effects on the body. Yet, we have some feelings about this compound simply because it is related to CBD and delta-9 THC– its relatively well-known siblings.

So, let’s take an overall look at delta-8 THC and its consumption methods.

Delta-8 THC; The Basics

Delta-8 THC, or delta-8, or D8, is the abbreviation for delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, a chemical compound called a cannabinoid that occurs naturally. It’s a psychoactive substance found in small traces in the Cannabis sativa (marijuana) plant.

Delta-8 THC is very similar to delta-9 THC, a compound in the cannabis plant that produces a high feeling. Delta-9 THC is the compound most people refer to when talking about THC. Though D8 THC is similar to D9 THC in its physicochemical properties, delta-8 has a slightly different molecular structure that makes it significantly less potent.

THC is, in fact, the most recognizable compound in cannabis plants. Concentrated amounts of D8 THC are usually obtained from hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD). The popularity of D8 THC is snowballing, and we see it in many places, e.g., in boutique dispensaries and store shelves.

CBD Edibles, THC (D9) Edibles, & D8 Edibles

In the cannabis industry, you may have noticed retailers offering various edibles. CBD, D9, and D8 edibles are some of the most common forms.

CBD Edibles

CBD edibles, including delta-8 THC gummies, are produced from hemp-derived cannabidiol, one of the many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Cannabidiol (CBD) provides significant holistic benefits to your body. When classifying hemp-derived cannabinoids, CBD is the compound that contains a total of 0.3% or less delta-9 THC. 

According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), CBD is officially classified as an organic hemp byproduct due to its THC content. Anything with a higher legal D9 content (0.3% of dry weight) is considered marijuana, thus remaining federally illegal.

People consume CBD daily to relieve pain, swelling, gut and heart function, mood regulation, and other related issues for the body and mind. Taking Edibles is one method of consuming CBD, although several different ways. There are edibles in a wide range, such as delta-8 THC gummies or traditional edibles.

THC (Delta-9) Edibles

Delta-9 THC is the cannabinoid in cannabis that we refer to when talking about marijuana. D9 THC is typically consumed for recreational purposes but can also be prescribed to mitigate chronic illnesses-induced pains. 

The effects of traditional cannabis edibles include a deep sense of relaxation, as well as euphoria that we describe as “getting high.” While this may sound like the effects of D8, there are significant differences. Traditional cannabis edibles– containing over 0.3% D9 THC– can cause unwanted side effects like anxiety, paranoia, nausea, and much more. 

D9 edibles are legal in some states, but they’re illegal at the federal level.

Delta-8 Edibles

Delta-8 edibles not only offer stronger potency than CBD, but they also retain all the benefits of traditional CBD edibles without the adverse side effects of D9. Hemp-derived D8 THC is a federally legalized substance if it contains no more than 0.3% THC content (similar to CBD).

How Do Delta-8 Edibles Work

Delta-8 THC is a phytocannabinoid; cannabinoids that occur naturally in hemp plants are called phytocannabinoids. You can take edibles (such as delta-8 THC gummies) orally, and after digestion, the effects of delta-8 THC start to kick in. The digestion process usually takes between 30 – 60 minutes; after that, D8 is released to the rest of the body. 

The digestion of D8 edibles is a longer process than other routes of administration (e.g., sublingual or inhalation), but the effects can stay in the body much longer (i.e., 6 – 8 hours). Once metabolized, the D8 THC is transported to the rest of the body via the bloodstream. This transport allows the D8 THC to interact with your endocannabinoid receptors. 

These receptors are located in many parts of your body, including major organ systems. When D8 THC binds to these receptors, it positively affects your body and mind.

Revisited; Delta-8 THC vs. Delta-9 THC?

Delta-8 THC, CBD, and delta-9 THC are in the same family and share striking similarities, including:

Potency & Side Effects: D8 THC is only half as potent as delta-9 THC, i.e., it produces a lower high. It also means that, when using D8 products, the side effects (such as anxiety or restlessness) occur at a much lower rate. 

Too much delta-8 THC can induce side effects such as fatigue and concentration difficulties; however, anxiety and paranoia are not expected. Hence, for people who cannot tolerate the strains containing delta-9 THC but want the so-called benefits, delta-8 THC may be recommended.

Tolerance: If you consume a substance too much, you’re likely to develop a tolerance to it. Presumably, delta-8 THC is much more tolerable than its twin. If you have been taking delta-8 THC gummies for about a month, you’ll have to increase the dose to get a similar effect as before. You can avoid building up a quick tolerance by consuming delta-8 THC within reasonable limits.

Try taking D8 THC in micro-doses or take THC products every other day. Once you have done that, take a more extended break, e.g., one week, or preferably longer, and then continue. It takes your body about a week to break down its tolerance to delta-8 THC; after that, you can quickly go back to the same dose as before.

Legality: Although marijuana (D9 THC) is legal in many states, it’s still illegal at the federal level. That means compounds deriving from marijuana are also illegal. However, since organic hemp and hemp-derived products are federally legal, so should be delta-8 THC.

Still, that’s not entirely certain, and there are not many states which have already made the sale of delta-8 THC illegal. Hence, check the legal status of hemp products (and THC) in your state if you plan to use them.

What’s the Right Dose of Delta-8 Edibles? 

Typically, the proper dose of delta-8 THC gummies can range from 10 to 60 milligrams. Since the potency of delta-8 THC is almost half that of delta-9 THC, you can quickly determine how much to take if you have had conventional THC gummies before. 

Still, if you’re unsure of how much delta-9 you should consume, we will give you a quick guide below. After taking about 10 mg of delta-8, you probably won’t feel too intoxicated. 

Instead, you may feel more relaxed and motivated. This amount is enough to relieve stress and may induce a feeling of mild euphoria. If you consume delta-8 THC for the first time, 10 milligrams may be the correct starting dose.

Once you get used to the high associated with delta-8 THC, you can quickly increase the amount by 5 to 10 milligrams. However, you shouldn’t overdo it. Although D8 THC is mellow, it can still result in side effects such as fatigue, malaise, and sedation if you take too much.

There is usually a dosage size listed on high-quality delta eight products to help you measure your amount. It’s unlikely that the dosage size will exactly match your dosage, so you may need to make some adjustments.

For example, if delta-8 THC gummies contain 15 mg, but you want a dose of 5 mg, you would only eat 1/3 of the gummy. If you’re new to edibles (e.g., delta-8 THC gummies), you may want to start with a smaller dose and figure out how you react to delta-8 THC. While experienced consumers may find it costly, first-timers will significantly benefit from such a reasonable dose. 

If you think you can have more, increase the amount gradually until you find what works best for you. A typical dose is around 10 mg, and a strong dose is approximately 100 mg. However, for those new to delta-8, a starting dose of between 0.5 ml/5 mg (for oil) and 10 mg (for delta-8 THC gummies and gels) may be recommended.

Optimize Your Consumption

Once you know how much delta-8 THC you should consume, you can measure the dose quite easily. First, look at how much delta-8 is in each gummy. 

A trustworthy company should always have their delta-8 THC gummies evaluated for potency by reliable third-party lab testing. So, if you are buying from a reputable brand, be sure the potency listed on the package matches the one you are taking.

Second, figure out what effects you’re looking for. If you want to get a little high, 10 milligrams should be enough. But if you want a more substantial impact, you should start with 20 milligrams or more.

Once you have decided on the potency, just take as many delta-8 THC gummies as you want. However, it’s recommended that you increase the dose gradually. Start with one/two delta-8 THC gummies and then, if necessary, take more in an hour.

Does Delta-8 THC Get You High

Delta-8 THC is essentially a milder version of delta-9 THC. However, your experience with delta-9 THC may not be the same as your friend’s, simply because everybody is different. Still, there are some effects that most THC consumers can relate to.

So, how can we describe the effects of delta-8 THC to someone who has never tried a cannabis product? It’s pretty simple: “mellow.”

The high from delta-8 is significantly relaxing and puts the consumer in a calm, mental state. Of course, delta-8 effects are dose-dependent; lower doses of delta-8 THC elevate your mood and boost energy levels, while higher doses can be sedating and pain-relieving.

In a nutshell, delta-8 THC has the following effects:

  • A floating feeling as if you’re weightless
  • Higher energy levels
  • Improved concentration
  • A relaxed and mellow mood (without brain fog)
  • Stimulation of the appetite
  • Intense relaxation

Anxiety and paranoia are among the main side effects reported for D9 THC; these effects appear at very high doses and can be triggered quickly in reactive users. Delta-8 THC is entirely different in this regard. 

It can cause a mild high, but you won’t feel like it’s getting out of control. No matter how intoxicated you feel, you can still feel like you control the situation. Experienced users say that delta-8 THC doesn’t make them tired unless they take high doses. The high from delta-8 THC promotes relaxation, but it doesn’t tie you to the couch.

Is Delta-8 THC Addictive

As for the perception of addiction, D8 THC isn’t addictive but habit-forming. This compound doesn’t lead to physical dependence, i.e., your body wouldn’t “desperately” need it.

Although we lack research on all aspects of delta-8 THC, one cannabis study suggests that THC (both D8 and D9) can be habit-forming and lead to behavioural addiction if used frequently or over a long period.

People probably won’t suffer the withdrawal symptoms associated with a “real” addiction when they stop using D8 THC. Additionally, people are not predicted to struggle with desperate cravings. However, any compound or activity that affects the functioning of your brain’s reward system and dopamine levels can lead to psychological dependence. 

D8 THC produces desirable effects and develops into an addictive substance if you don’t consume it responsibly. Individuals often consume psychoactive substances to escape the challenging (difficult) steps in life– or in other words, to escape from reality or cover past (unsolved) trauma.

D8 THC can alleviate discomfort and stress, and it’s essential to use it responsibly and recognize how your body responds to this substance. If you feel a desperate dependency on D8 THC is brewing, consider taking a T-break.

As of 2018, all organic hemp products containing less than 0.3% D9 THC are legal in the U.S. Delta 8-THC is hemp-derived, and thus it should be legal in states where its twin D9 THC (marijuana) isn’t. However, it seems that many states are considering banning this tetrahydrocannabinol compound, as well. Currently, legislators are having fun playing whack-a-mole with various hemp-derived products with varying levels of THC. The following states, for example, have all banned the sale of delta-8 THC:

  • Alaska
  • Arkansas 
  • Arizona 
  • Colorado 
  • Delaware 
  • Iowa 
  • Montana 
  • Utah 
  • Pennsylvania.

So, if you plan on trying D8 THC, you need to keep up to date with any changes in the law. If you live in a state where the use of D9 THC (marijuana) is legal, you should find out about the legality of delta-8 THC. It’s advisable to educate yourself before purchasing any hemp product to avoid trouble.

D8 THC is a twin of D9 THC– a schedule I drug, explaining why D8 THC is illegal in some states. D8 THC providers aren’t responsible for the legality status of its consumption in any state or territory. If you want to consume this substance, you should ensure its legality in your state. The consumer assumes full responsibility for all liabilities associated with the purchase of THC-O. 

Benefits of Delta-8 THC Edibles

As research delves deeper into cannabis science, new analogs of THC are being discovered. Currently, one of the hottest analogs getting a lot of attention in the industry is delta-8 THC– a milder, less intoxicating version of delta 9 THC found in most cannabis strains.

We can describe delta-8 THC as a middle ground between CBD and delta-9 THC. It causes a high feeling but not excessively so. Also, just like CBD, it offers several health benefits typical of cannabinoids. These benefits include relief from pain, nausea, inflammation, loss of appetite, and depression. Now, let’s look at the benefits of delta-8 THC.

Slight Psychoactive Experience

Recreational cannabis consumers barely take CBD because it doesn’t get them high. Some users, however, are susceptible to the delta-9 THC from marijuana, meaning they quickly get anxious at high doses.

If you don’t enjoy the intense high that may make your journey anxious and paranoiac, delta-8 THC is a safer bet. Its potency is around 50–70% of the strength of delta-9 THC. Many delta-8 consumers claim that the high is less edgy with this cannabinoid, and they can become focused and relaxed.

Increasing Appetite

Delta-8 THC seems to be an effective appetite stimulant. It’s believed that appetite stimulation from delta-8 can be twice as strong as that from delta-9 THC.

When it comes to snacking, you will have a perfect time with delta-8 THC, as a single dose can increase your appetite considerably. This characteristic makes delta-8 a potential candidate for helping people who struggle with appetite loss and eating disorders.


It’s not easy to understand how delta-8 THC affects the brain. This compound has remarkable neuroprotective properties that can lead to better brain health. Examples of these properties include inhibiting the release of adenylyl cyclase and regulating calcium and potassium channels in the central nervous system.

Furthermore, delta-8 THC can increase choline and acetylcholine levels. These compounds might help treat neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Last but not least, delta-8 THC may stimulate neurogenesis– the formation of new neurons– leading to improved cognitive performance.


There is a wide range of delta eight edibles (e.g., delta- 8 THC gummies); you can choose according to your personal needs, occasions and cravings. Aside from the THC capsules and delta-8 THC gummies available, delta-8 oil tinctures are perhaps the most common edible because you can use them in many different ways. 

You can consume the oil tincture sublingually or swallow it with water. Delta-8 THC is also used as an additive to food. Foods like cakes and cookies or certain dishes like smoothies, scrambled eggs, and soups can serve as different bases for D8 edibles with just a few drops of oil tinctures.

You are not limited to delta-8 THC tinctures to make edibles at home! You can also take delta-8 flowers orally to experience the effects of D8 pleasantly. You can add D8 flowers to your tea, bake them into a pie, or sprinkle them into your salad dressing. In any case, we can consider the D8 flower as a versatile source for making D8 edibles.

Fewer Side Effects

Because D8 THC is less potent than traditional D9 THC (marijuana), D8 edibles are perfect for those who don’t want to experience adverse side effects such as motor impairment (reduced motor skills), paranoia, or clouded memory. 

Other side effects are dry mouth, red eyes, mental issues (memory fog), anxiousness and severe drowsiness. D8 is ideal for people who intend to avoid the pronounced high that consuming marijuana causes. 

Positive Impact on the Body

Consumption of D8 can result in a calming effect on the body and mind, including feelings of relaxation and euphoria. D8 THC can ease physical and mental discomfort and give you a kind of relieving serenity.

D8 THC accompanies a range of positive effects on the body;

  • Help you relax
  • Stimulate positive mood and creativity 
  • Increase appetite
  • Ease physical discomfort
  • Increase sensory responses
  • Lessen feelings of anxiousness, sadness, or irritability
  • Promote faster and better sleep
  • Regulate your sleep cycle

Potential Risks & Side Effects of Delta-8 THC

D8 consumers should be informed that delta-8 THC products (including edibles) have not been formally assessed using accurate lab tests or approved by the FDA for safe use in any terms. If consumption of delta-8 c is not warranted, it may endanger individual and public health. THC products (D8 & D9) should successfully pass third-party lab testing.

Like other cannabinoids, D8 THC is relatively safe to use, especially those containing no synthetic ingredients. No cannabis product can cause a fatal overdose, irrespective of how much you consume. Furthermore, when you use a higher dose compared to what you usually use, D8 THC isn’t expected to cause any harm in the long run.

Still, D8 products can cause side effects if you go beyond your limits. These side effects include: 

  • Cottonmouth
  • Dry eyes
  • Fatigue 
  • Dizziness 
  • Poor concentration 
  • Nauseousness 
  • Anxiousness 
  • Paranoia. 

These effects are not permanent, and once you sober up, they’ll faint gradually.

The Production of Delta-8 THC

While the delta-8 THC compound is not dangerous, its product made by humans can be. Be sure to buy your delta-8 THC gummies from certified sources, for example. Unlike delta-9 THC and CBD, delta-8 THC is not formed in significant amounts in natural cannabis sources (e.g., the plant). 

D8 THC is essentially a byproduct of the breakdown of delta-9 THC. Therefore, you need to break down delta-9 THC to obtain sufficient amounts of delta-8 THC. Since the breakdown process is quite complex, companies usually use a CBD conversion to produce D8 THC. Manufacturers convert CBD to D9 THC and then make the delta-8 THC from its twin (delta-9 compound). This process allows companies to boost (synthesize) delta-8 THC to the natural amount extracted from hemp.

However, this process requires the addition of some toxic chemicals such as heavy metals to the natural hemp, which must be extracted precisely. A lack of skills in the producer will result in an impure product. 

This contamination can be avoided if the producers take the help of outside laboratory testing, for example. Independent labs should evaluate each product’s purity and toxic chemicals (absence of heavy metals), and the results obtained should be available on the manufacturer’s website.

If you want to evaluate the safety of delta-8 THC gummies, you should look at user reviews on the vendor’s website. User reviews help determine whether or not a delta-8 final product is right for you. Also, it’s not the effects of the delta-8 THC compound that you should be concerned about – it’s the synthetic additives that some companies use.

Finally, you should avoid companies that use bleached delta-8 THC products. The D8 THC compound is naturally pink in colour (high purity). So if the final D8 product you use is transparent, it can be pretty dangerous as it may have been bleached. A company should clearly show that they do not use bleach in manufacturing.

Delta-8 Edibles

Delta-8 (sometimes D8) edibles are food products infused with delta-8 THC. Edibles come in various forms, including pastries, candies, or beverages– homemade or bought from a licensed retail dispensary. 

Delta-8 edibles (including delta-8 THC gummies) are similar to other hemp-derived products, but they’re remarkably different from delta-9 THC (marijuana). Compared to D9 edibles, D8 edibles (e.g., delta-8 THC gummies) exhibit a muted effect.

D8 is a compound extracted from the hemp plant with similar properties to CBD, but it’s a euphoric experience. D8 THC helps lighten your mood by inducing feelings of relaxation, bliss, and other positive emotions related to mental and physical well-being.

Delta-8 THC Gummies

Consuming delta-8 THC gummies is a great way to ingest this cannabinoid. Like regular cannabis gummies, they are made with an active type of distilled THC. 

The THC distillate is infused into a candy base that may also contain additional sweeteners. However, instead of the highly psychoactive D9 THC, the delta-8 THC gummies utilize the mellower delta-8 THC version. Many users enjoy the “mellow” psychoactive effects. Additionally, they experience euphoria over a more extended period. These experiences are possible because the active ingredient, D8, is THC distillate. 

Delta-8 and delta-9 are two variants of THC with nearly identical molecular structures, differing only in the atomic arrangement. Moreover, a double bond exists on the ninth carbon chain of the delta-9 THC compound. In delta-8 THC, on the other hand, the double bond is located on the eighth carbon chain.

Taking delta-8 THC gummies is an excellent option for those who don’t want to inhale CBD or THC compounds. First, delta-8 THC gummies are tasty and come in various flavours; the Delta 8 THC Gummies – 600mg is a great example. Second, the shelf life of Delta-8 THC gummies is relatively long, so you can be sure that they won’t go bad. And lastly, it’s easy to dose delta-8 gummies because each gummy is made to contain a specific amount of delta-8 THC.

Delta-8 THC gummies come in various delicious flavours and different colours. Many people rave about the delicious flavours and affordability of delta-8 THC gummies, depending on the brand you choose. You can experience the optimal effects of the D8 THC ingredient.

Delta-8 THC Tincture

Delta-8 THC tinctures are liquid extracts obtained by diffusing a concentrated delta-8 THC distillate into a liquid base– usually MCT oil, hemp seed oil, or another vegetable oil.

Here are the methods for taking delta-8 THC tinctures:

  • Down The Hatch! Just drop it directly into the mouth and swallow
  • Hold the drops under your tongue
  • Combine it with something tasty, e.g., tea
  • Put it on your skin. You can apply delta-8 tinctures topically as well.

There’s only one way to wrongly use delta-THC tinctures: the addition of delta-8 tinctures to your vape cart.

Some other delta-8 THC edibles you may like to try include:

Bottom Line

If you wish to enjoy the unique feeling of the best delta-8 THC edibles, such as amazing delta-8 THC gummies with optimum ingredients and accurate labelling, please get in touch and try out our high-quality products.

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